My name is Margarita Zapata Muñoz, I was born in 1960, I like to work in the fields harvesting and planting coffee, for this I am supported by my children Iván René Rincón Zapata and Leticia Rincón Zapata, and my grandchildren Margarita Coral Peña Rincón, Analía Victoriano Rincón and Gustavo Victoriano Rincón, thanks to the support they give me I can do my work. I began to grow coffee 40 years ago because my parents taught me that with this product we would be able to sustain ourselves economically, not all of it, but a little, since the price of coffee varies. For me coffee represents stability and a great benefit for my family, because thanks to this product we help ourselves economically. Coffee is an important product for me because I have supported my
family with it for a long time, for us it is a pleasure to harvest coffee, and we also like to take care of it and try to have it in good condition to obtain a good quality coffee.
All information related to Margarita’s coffee farm
1 Hectárea
Variedades de Café
Bienes Agrícolas
Otros Árboles
1 Hectare
Coffee Varieties
Agricultural Goods
Other Trees
Honey – Descargar Resultados de Catación